Events, Venues, And Attractions Deals And Discounts

Best Senior Events, Venues, And Attractions Deals And Discounts

There is no question that older adults tend to have more leisure time than younger adults. This is often because they have reached retirement age and are no longer working full time. There are many studies that show living an active lifestyle helps older adults live longer as they are healthier and have strong connections to the community. Events, venues, and attractions are especially beneficial to older adults as they provide stimulation, activity, and encourage family interaction.

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Senior Museum Admission Discounts

A recent study by the National Endowment for the Arts found that senior citizens who attend cultural events, including visiting museums, report better mental and physical health than those who did not. Older adults who appreciate art may find an museum focused on art to cultivate their own creativity. Historical museums keep the mind active and research indicates that continued learning into our golden years can reduce the impacts of dementia. Many museums offer workshops where you can interact with others in the community. In fact, some museums now offer programs designed to address cognitive impairments. It is possible to find small museums that do not have an admission fee and even some larger museums are free to visit, such as the Smithsonian in Washington, DC. However, larger museums offer guided tours or behind-the-scenes tours that may have a fee. One organization, the North American Reciprocal Museum Association (NARM) offers discounts to members of smaller, local museums, providing discounts at many different museums around the world.

Senior Zoo Admission Discounts

When it comes to visiting a zoo, we often think of children laughing at the otters splashing in the water or the monkeys swinging from limbs. However, older adults can benefit from a visit to the zoo just as much as small children. Visits to the zoo can help lower blood pressure, boost moods and relax the body. An older person with cognitive impairment, such as Alzheimer’s, may also trigger happy childhood memories. Staff members are often available to help those with mobility issues. You can also ask for specialized audio devices if you have difficulty hearing. Because you walk around the zoo, you also get exercise while breathing in fresh air. Even if you must use a cane, walker or wheelchair, being outside can be very beneficial to your health. Learning about the animals in the zoo can also stimulate the neural activity in the brain, helping with brain function. Most zoos do have entry fees, but it is possible to find senior zoo admission discounts. Some zoos offer senior discounts on certain days of the month while others allow seniors in at drastically reduced prices or even free.

Senior Event Admission Discounts

Events can give an older adult purpose as they improve social relationships. Community events are a great way for senior citizens to maintain interpersonal relationships and break up a routine. There is research that indicates social events can prevent the onset of dementia. When seniors attend events, they also are able to connect with peers which can significantly reduce feelings of loneliness. This can improve self-esteem and create a positive attitude in a senior, especially if they live alone. Events don’t have to be large to provide benefits. Joining a bowling league, for example, can help promote social interaction. Senior centers also offer events like bus trips, dances, lunches or dinners and other fun activities that can keep a senior active in the community as well.

Senior Concert Event Ticket Discounts

Local concerts are another great way to promote socializing among older adults. It may simply be a music in the park event with a local band or you could purchase tickets to a larger concert with music the older person enjoys. There is significant research that music is beneficial for older adults. Attending a live concert decreases the production of cortisol which is a stress hormone. There are even studies that indicate live music can reduce pain due to the release of endorphins when you hear music you enjoy. Attending a concert also promotes socialization and inclusion. Although recorded music is also beneficial, there are studies that show live music provide more sensory input and stimulation which may improve memory and mood. A concert also adds a sense of excitement, taking an older person out of their regular routine and adding some fun to their life. You can often find senior event ticket discounts, especially at smaller venues.

Senior Local Attraction Discounts

Older adults today travel four to five times each year and 46 percent plan to take a trip this year. However, most seniors are still sticking close to home with many of them planning trips by car rather than air. This means local attractions may benefit from an influx of senior citizens over the next year. Local attractions may simply be an ice cream stand in the local park or a guided nature walk in a nearby forest. Many towns offer history walks which provide details of local history and some even include breakfast or lunch. A visit to a botanical garden or arboretum is another local attraction that might appeal to an older adult. Most areas of the country have local sports team, such as minor league baseball or football teams, with tickets that are fairly reasonable. These teams offer older adults the chance to watch a sport they love and follow an up-and-coming sports star as they progress. Many of these teams offer senior local attraction discounts for certain games or dates that can lower the price even more.

Senior Theme and Amusement Park Discounts

There is no doubt the dream of many grandparents is to travel with their children and grandchildren to a theme park at some point. Often, the dream vacation is Disneyworld or Disneyland, but there are many other theme parks to choose from as well. It is possible to enjoy a trip to an amusement park with older adults. Many parks offer accommodations for those with mobility or other issues, including family restrooms. Often, parks offer senior discounts for those over 65 and there may also be discounts for parking if you need handicap accessibility. Take breaks often during the day and this may be easier with special discounts offered to seniors for meals and drinks. There may also be special times when parks are open that are specifically designed for older adults which may be beneficial for seniors who are traveling without their family. The crowds may be smaller and there may be special events planned during those times.

If you are considering purchasing event venue or attraction tickets, be sure to register for Our experts have searched for and compiled some of the best senior discounts available, putting them all in one location so you don’t have to spend hours searching for them online. There is never a fee and registration is as easy as filling out an online form.